Green ARM
AR2000 Super Recycler AR2000
Japan India
AR2000 Exclusive Innovative Benefitting How It Works Quality Proved  

Experimental Demonstration Work at Okinawa (Aug/29/'05-Sep/02'05)

We were the first in the world to succeed with an experimental demonstration project which was performed by utilizing HITONE-TM and resulted in directly recycling a traditional non-drainage asphalt pavement to a new drainage asphalt pavement on the road. The work had been performed on roadway No.77 with the cooperation of Okinawa Prefecture. Local news-media such as Okinawa Times and Ryukyu Shimpo have covered articles about this demonstration.  2-2, Kanda Ogawa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0052 Japan   Tel:81-3-5217-1112  Fax:81-3-5217-1113
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