Green ARM
AR2000 Super Recycler AR2000
Japan India
AR2000 Exclusive Innovative Benefitting How It Works Quality Proved  

A demonstration was performed at the Nashinoki Bypass. (Sep/02/'03-Sep/03/'03)

The hot in-place recycling technology was demonstrated on national road No. 18 (Nashinoki Bypass) which was within the jurisdiction of the Takada office of the Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau. The demonstration work was introduced on the Home page of the Takada office of the Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, National Land and Transportation Ministry.


Japan  2-2, Kanda Ogawa-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0052 Japan   Tel:81-3-5217-1112  Fax:81-3-5217-1113
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